All Iterable community members are welcome to join in on this challenge!
Congratulations Kahoot members, you made it to the final challenge!
I hope that you feel empowered and knowledgeable about Iterable’s capabilities, support, and services to help bring your customers joy.
Here in the Iterable Community, we love to start conversations, share knowledge, and highlight marketing moments.
In honour of Activate Summit Europe, for your last challenge, we want to dive into marketing moments that have brought delight to your lives. Activate Summit Europe is for the marketing masters involved in bringing customers a delightful experience! That's right, we want you to Share your favourite campaign that has brought delight to your life, and follows 1-3 best practices.
Think back to an email that has made your day by either making something easier to accomplish, inspiring you, helping you to learn something new, asking for your opinion, or celebrating your milestones.
I’ll go first!
Email Subject: Pro tips for your recent purchase inside, Deja
Why I love this lead-nurturing campaign:
Follows three best practices for surprising and delighting customers:
- Effective subject line: Catchy and relevant subject line. The bonus point is that it was personalized.
- Educational content: Help people learn more about the application process for recent purchases.
- Engage Customers: Introduces other ways to engage with the brand by joining their community for online tutorials.
Now it's your turn!