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Hi there,

I'm looking for some advice on navigating the Iterable Workflow Analytics. I'm particularly interested in having an overview of

- how many people have entered my workflow X
- how many people have reached node 1 (e.g. delay node)
- how many people have reached node 2 (e.g. filter node)
- how many people have reached node 3 (e.g. ab split node)
- how many people have reached node 4 (e.g. message node)

Now I only can see node analaytics for the messaging nodes. But this does not allow me to troubleshoot my flow or to have any idea in which node my users might be stuck because maybe I made a mistake when I was setting up the filtering logic.

Basically what I want to ensure is that my users are moving down the flow as expected, and if not (so if I see that no one is reaching a specific message node and not receiving the campaigns), I want to be able to understand at which point exactly they are not progressing. Any ideas?

Hi, Ivana. You can see the total number of users that have entered a workflow by navigating to "Messaging" > "Workflows" and looking in the "Started" column for that workflow.

Unfortunately, there are no metrics that show how many users have entered a specific node. However, if you create a new static list and insert an "Add User to List" node after an existing node, you can use that list to track the users that travel down that path of the workflow.
Hey Eric, thanks for your reply! 🙂 Creating static lists for each node is not really an option, especially when you consider how many different workflows, nodes and steps you'll be creating over time. I hope Iterable will add this in my opinion pretty basic and crucial feature to the workflows soon. @Iterable just fyi
