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I'm trying to get a line of text to show if there is something, anything, in the data field for couponDescription, and not if the field is "". I've got it working if I specify the coupon name but have not been able to get it working based on something or nothing without having to specify the text. Is this possible? Any help is appreciated :-)

 "couponDescription": "10% OFF up to $30.00",

{{#assign 'newlocale'}}{{country}}-{{locale}}{{/assign}} {{#or (eq locale "zh_CN") (eq locale "zh_TW")}} {{#assign 'newlocale'}}{{country}}-zh{{/assign}} {{/or}}​​​​​{{#lookup trans newlocale as |lang|}}{{#assign 'SubCoupDisc'}}{{lang.cSubscription Coupon Disclaimer]}}{{/assign}}{{/lookup}}{{#assign 'isCoupon'}}N{{/assign}}{{#eq couponDescription "10% OFF up to $30.00"}}{{#assign 'isCoupon'}}Y{{/assign}}{{/eq}}{{#eq isCoupon 'Y'}}{{{defaultIfEmpty SubCoupDisc '*Your accepted discount code will be applied to your first monthly subscription subtotal at the time your order is processed for shipment.'}}}{{/eq}}

Hi there Stacey! We can help take a closer look into whether this would be possible.

Can you please submit a ticket at
