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I have users that have multiple email addresses and use those email addresses separately for different communications. Ideally, I'd like to track email events to a single user, but select which email to send to based on the communication. Is there a way to use a secondary email without sending to the primary email address as well? Or do I need to duplicate users and create one for each email address. If so, is there a way to merge the events of the users into a master record?
Hello Jason,

Unfortunately, there is not a way to do this without heavily using API calls. Sending emails from Iterable will generate a user profile for each new email address used. The open, click , etc events would still be assigned to the email that was sent this message.

I suggest to open a Support ticket or contact your CSM to get more specific help with this. Maybe there is a good workaround we can find that will help you in your unique situation.

