I'm building out my journey splitting on accountCountry. I have this split in every Journey. I'm trying to add countries BE, LU, PT, etc. (6 total) that are giving me an error of "no existing values". I've never seen this before and I have these countries in other journeys (and it technically still lets me add them) so I'm hoping to understand what the Journey is looking at to determine this value doesn't exist. I have campaigns/templates created already for these countries/locales (they're not connected yet) and as mentioned they're being used in other active workflows... Any input is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
So after more digging and processing I think it's because these countries do not exist in the user profile, when these journeys are set up they're set up based on the customEvent.country instead because of the hinky way IT has to set them up (too long to explain). If this is the case then I'll need to split everyone else by accountCountry and on the last "Everyone Else" go to a Yes/No split with the customEvent.country equal to BE, etc. I think I got it but if anyone has some tips/suggestions it would be much appreciated.
PS: every workflow is triggered off a customer event due to the current stack implementation... I know, I know :-(
Thanks again!
HiStacey Wirtjes, based on the screenshot, it does look like you are trying to call a value that does not exist either in your project or that lives in the user's profile (contact property). Since your journey is set up based on a Custom Event and you have a data field that lives in that event called "country" you can reference it in a filter tile to filter your users through their Journey.
I recommend submiting a ticket to our Support team regarding your Journey set-up so we can better support/ guide you. If you can please include the project you are working in, the Journey's id, and more detail of the outcome of a user's flow would be helpful. A Support ticket can be opened using this link: https://support.iterable.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
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