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Hi! I have a huge audience of 700,000 users. I want to survey a sample of these users, so probably only want to send to around 10,000 of these users. Is there a way I can just send to 10k of this audience list?

From @Jonathan Meadows 

Hi Lara,

Is there any kind of profile attribute you take and apply segmentation to so that you can randomize the sample? A date could be useful here.

A bit of a hacky solution, but you could send a silent push and stop the campaign once it reaches about 10k people - then segment by people who got the silent push, using a campaign label here would be helpful when it comes to segmentation.

Hope that helps!


From @Ellen Banigan 

Hey Lara,

I suggest using our split list feature. If you go to your list, you can save the list as a new static list. You'll be presented with an option to set your list size - can set your limit to 10000 and 10000 users will randomly be assigned to that list. You do not have to create a second list for the remaining 600k+ users.

All the best,
Iterable Support

**This response has been manually added from our former community platform to ensure the full conversation is captured. Please note that the date of this post will appear significantly later than the original.
