Context: I have this handlebar for an email snippet:
{{#ifLte counter 1}}{{#ifContainsStr service.primary.eligible "VAC"}} {{#not service.primary.enrolled "VAC"}} {{#assign "counter"}}{{math counter '+' 1}}{{/assign}}
{ HTML content for snippet 1 }
{{/not}} {{/ifContainsStr}} {{/ifLte}}
{{#ifLte counter 1}}{{#ifContainsStr service.primary.eligible "NSE"}} {{#not service.primary.enrolled "NSE"}} {{#assign "counter"}}{{math counter '+' 1}}{{/assign}}
{ HTML content for snippet 2 }
{{/not}} {{/ifContainsStr}} {{/ifLte}}
I am creating a webhook on Iterable that will catch the clicking events of these snippets and I am not able to pass the handlebar code onto the Webhook body as JSON…..
Does anyone have any experience doing similar to this and help me how to create the webhook to catch the events?