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Hi guys, we adopted the Iterable platform a few months ago. The objective is to replace a variety of communication platforms in our tech stack with Iterable. However, we have identified that many of our emails are currently landing in Gmail's promo tab instead of the primary inbox, which significantly impacts our conversion metrics and platform ROI. Please note that these emails are succefully placed in the primary inbox if sent from any of our other platforms (Intercom or Campaign Monitor).

We have tried the following in order to improve our email placement:

  1. Change of Sender Name, email domain and email address to reflect same configuration from the other platforms (this subdomain has a more establish reputation)

  2. Content optimization: significant reduction of images and links and increase of text based design

  3. Email deployment staggering strategy

  4. Avoid quiet hours and optimize for recipient's time

Based on your experience, what else would you recommend?


We currently do not have an internal resource with HTML coding experience, which means that we heavily rely on the drag and drop function of the platform to build our emails.

Using an online email tester, I compared the text to HTML ratio between Iterable's emails (drag and drop) vs. emails from Intercom and Campaign Monitor (which also use a drag and drop function). The email tester showed that Iterable emails had only 9-14% text to HTML ratio compared to 40-49% with the other two platforms.

What words do you use in your CTA buttons? There are a lot of common words used in marketing CTA that should be avoided because they trigger spam filters. This could lead to getting caught in the promo tab as well.

Current call to action is:

Desktop: "Start my application"

Mobile: "Give us a call"

Other emails: "Lock my rate" or "Learn More"
