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I have a function {{dateMath application_status_changed.submittedAt"+6d" format="short"}} to determine the day an application will expire. I need to embed a second function so that I can get the number of days from today (day of email send) to the date calculated in the function I have. The use will be to say "Your application will expire in # of days." How do I write that?
Hello @Heather Julian ,

You can use a similar expression to this one
{{dateMath "now" "-24h" format="yyyyMMddHHmmss"}}
Where you can change the format to format="D"
So the expression should be {{dateMath "now" "-24h" format="D"}}

If that doesn't work please email and send them the test template you are working in and someone will help you there.

@"Brian Schlesinger" Thanks. I think I need to clarify my question a bit, though.

I need to calculate with datemath on one of our data points +6days, as you explained.

Then I need to calculate the number of days between that calculated date and "now" to display in the email.
hi @"Brian Schlesinger" I ran into a similar use case where I needed to get the days between now and a date calculated in the email as X days from a profile date.
@Iterable Any help on this one?
Hi @John Fitzsimmons and @Heather Julian Are either of you still looking for assistance on this? If so, best next steps would be to submit a ticket to so that one of our agents can assist you 1:1 for your specific use case and template. Thank you!
