Hello! I am curious if anyone is utilizing workflows or segmentation in a specific way that allows them to orchestrate how many emails a Guest can receive in one day? For example, a user could fall into a cart abandonment series, a loyalty program update, and a seasonal email. Does anyone have any best practices within Iterable (or outside of) that they are solving for this today? Thanks!
Hello Brent!
You could do things in a workflow filter / segmentation that look for whether or not that user has had an email send from a particular message type or message channel within the last 24 hours. Which would look something like this:
You can also click the "refine search" button in the top right to see if they've had more than one
I would recommend trying a few things out and then testing this with a test user in a workflow or segmentation to make sure you are getting your desired behavior.
There is also a frequency capping feature that you can speak to your CSM about to see if it would work for your use case. With that you can specify a number of emails that are allowed to be sent to a user in a certain amount of days from a specific message type. If the message at the frequency cap point it will send skip rather than send to the user.
As far as what other customers are doing it would be hard for me to say, but I would say that if you speak to your CSM here at Iterable they might be able to provide more information on that as well.
Hope this information is helpful!
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