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Let's Talk User Segmentation

Any marketer worth their salt knows what segmentation is and why it matters—51% of us recognize it as our most effective personalization tactic. Dialing in exactly which customers you want to want to reach is the first action step of any campaign.

Modern marketers have more access to customer data than ever before. But without a modern application strategy accounting for this new depth and breadth, falling back on legacy segmentation strategies like basic attributes, general lifecycle, RFM targeting, among others, seems like the easiest choice to make.

Instead, let’s redraw the lines of demarcation between segments and push customer data further. Top-line demographic and behavioral data as segmentation filters only scratch the surface—understanding contextual data to understand customer motivations is the new segmentation playing field.

With a more sophisticated segmentation strategy in hand, identifying key audiences and the types of resonant content that appeals to them becomes almost second nature.

Modern Segmentation Calls to Action

* Look deeper into behavioral data to infer how your products and services make your customers feel. Leverage this level of nuanced data as influential segmentation criteria.
* Define customers by more than demographic personas. Certain data types like engagement, purchase frequencies and average order value are impactful at the individual level, but less so when applied to groups.
* Learn from, but don’t lean too heavily on historical data as the sole predictor of behaviors. Consider the significance of the role months-old data actually plays in your segmentation strategy.

Segmentation Resources

* NEW! User Segmentation Playbook
* 3 Types of Customer Segmentation Your Marketing Team Can’t Ignore
* How to Use Mobile Geolocation Data to Drive Growth
* 4 Overlooked (but Valuable) E-Commerce Segments to Target

Question for the community

How are you currently segmenting your database - demographic, lifecycle or behavioral? Let us know in the comments!
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